Fauna Vulnerability Map.

Image Credit: Juan Carlos Jaramillo Fayad

Written by Juan Carlos Jaramillo Fayad

Despite the various efforts of different institutions in Colombia, there is still a long way to go in the country to be able to quantify the effect of the impact of running over wildlife on biodiversity. For this reason, in recent years alliances have been structured between the academy, in this specific case ITM University Institution, with the accompaniment of the APP Recosfa, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Transport, ANI, ANSV and INVIAS, for among other objectives Generate tools that reduce costs and reduce the time needed to carry out diagnostic studies of wildlife run over and favor the generation of prevention and mitigation measures in specific roads.

Aware of this need, the National Institute of Roads – INVIAS, included within its sustainability policy, the generation of a technological tool that allows knowing the areas that present a greater probability of accumulation of run over points in the roads managed by them. This is how this work is entrusted to the ITM and its Highway Ecology and Green Infrastructure Program – PECIV, which using data from SUKUBUN, the INVIAS application and the RECOSFA application, determine at a statistical level which are the areas where it accumulates with greater significance the run over points. With this information, a number of environmental and technical variables of the road are determined, around these places, which allow to generate a machine training and later a model that is validated and helps to predict or determine in other places of that same geographic region. of the country, what would be the probability of accumulating run over points.

People visualize on the map a color scale between blue and red, the blue color indicates a lower probability of accumulation of fauna run over points, as it turns yellow, orange to red, indicates the highest probability, that is to say, that in that area you can accumulate run over points.

The map found on the INVIAS website shows the probability that run-over zones accumulate in different sectors of the road.



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