Who we are

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The Latin America and Caribbean Transportation Working Group (LACTWG) was formed in 2019 with a membership primarily composed of biologists, transportation professionals, and specialists from financial institutions implementing solutions to mitigate the impacts of roads, railways, and canals on ecological connectivity.

With a primary focus on linear transportation infrastructure, LACTWG dedicates its expertise to reducing wildlife mortality and making transportation systems more permeable to animal movement throughout Latin America. The members also develop and apply innovative science to improve the safety of both people and wildlife by reducing conflicts.

Likewise, it is a group where we can have direct contact with specialists and exchange opinions, points of view, experiences, and works, aiming to enrich and share the importance of creating environmentally friendly communication routes. We also promote the transfer of innovative technologies and methodologies, providing and publishing best practices in impact management and mitigation.


Would you like to share your work? Mention us on social media or send us an email.

@lactwg / lac.transportationecology@gmail.com

More news

Interview with Diego Varela

Negative effects of agricultural open-channel irrigation system on vertebrate populations in central Mexico

Interview with Daniela Araya-Gamboa 

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