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Past Events
Image Credit: Juan Carlos Jaramillo Fayad
The II Ibero-American Congress on Biodiversity in Road Infrastructure – CIBIV, was held in the city of Medellin – Colombia, from 28 to 30 November 2019, at the Metropolitan Technological Institute – ITM. Since 2014, the ITM has been developing a research line on road ecology, which aims to contribute to the knowledge and search for solutions to the effects that road infrastructure generates on the environment. The II CIBIV was attended by about 120 people from several Latin American countries. During this event, 46 oral presentations were made, 8 in the form of video posters, 6 plenary lectures were given by renowned international experts in the area of road ecology, and two spaces were opened for discussion and strengthening of academic relations. During the event, a presentation and planning meeting of the recently created Latin America and Caribbean Transport Working Group (LAC TWG) was held. Twelve specialists from countries such as the United States, Spain, Portugal, Costa Rica, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico and Ecuador were invited to the event, in addition to seven Colombian specialists. The event was organized by the ITM and the University of Antioquia – UdeA, with the support of the Metropolitan Area of Valle de Aburrá, Fundación Cunaguaro, Red de Ayuda a los Animales-RAYA, Woodcock Foundation, Center For Large Landscape Conservation, Devimar, Corantioquia and Bureau Medellín.