Effects of roads on the landscape and distribution of medium and large mammals in Uruguay


Image Credit: LACTWG

Written by Hugo Coitiño & Agustina Serrón, ECOBIO-Uruguay

November 2, 2020

In 2015 the NGO ECOBIO-Uruguay created a new line of research in Uruguay called Road Ecology and Biodiversity. Since the beginning, several projects have been carried out in order to generate basic knowledge about the impact of road infrastructure on ecosystems and biodiversity. In order to involve the local community in this issue, the creation of a nationwide roadkill monitoring network and the training of human resources were promoted. One of the main working lines was the study of the effects of roads on the medium and large mammal community at a landscape scale using predictive models. Some achievements to date are the implementation of the first mitigation measures in the country and the culmination of two research theses, one for the Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences and the other for the Master’s degree in PEDECIBA-Geosciences at the University of the Republic, Uruguay.

Read more ➔ www.ecobiouruguay.org.uy

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