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Image Credit: Coral Pacheco
September 17, 2021
On September 10, 2021, two signs were installed on the North Pan-American Highway, crossing the Guanacaste Conservation Area (ACG). As a result of 10 years of monitoring roadkill, placement of the signs between the ACG and ICOMVIS-UNA was managed.
This mitigation measure is part of the Project “Impact of wildlife roadkill and possible mitigation measures in the sector of the North Pan-American Highway that crosses the Guanacaste Conservation Area” led by M.Sc. Joel SaĆ©nz and MSc. Michelle Monge, from the International Wildlife Conservation and Management Institute (ICOMVIS) of the National University (UNA) of Costa Rica.
This measure seeks to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions on the road, make drivers aware that they are crossing two protected natural areas, and let them know they are expected to slow down. This effort will hopefully reduce the probability of colliding with wildlife trying to cross the road either in search of food, shelter, or simply trying to move as part of their natural behavior.