Impact of infrastructure on wildlife

Date: March 27, 2023 - March 31, 2023


Location: NA-en, NA-en

Contact: Not Available


Event Description

From Recosfa with the support of Itm_institucional, we extend the invitation to participate in the I Colombian Symposium on; Impact of infrastructures on fauna: current knowledge, prevention and mitigation measures. That will take place within the framework of the VI Colombian Congress of Zoology – VICCZ, from March 27 to 31, 2023 in MonterĂ­a.

Some of the topics to be discussed: running over wildlife, impacts of linear infrastructures, electrocuted animals, collision of birds with windows or wind turbines, hydroelectric impacts, impact of fences or boundaries.


We invite you to participate by sending abstracts to the symposium, within the deadlines stipulated by the organization of the congress.

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